Cal Hacks

March TBD, 2025 @ California High School

Proudly Sponsored By:


What is CalHacks?

CalHacks is a 24-hour hackathon hosted by California High School. It is a place where students can come together to learn, build, and share their creations with others. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hacker, CalHacks is the perfect place to start your hacking journey.

What is CalHacks?

CalHacks is a 24-hour hackathon hosted by California High School. It is a place where students can come together to learn, build, and share their creations with others. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hacker, CalHacks is the perfect place to start your hacking journey.

What is CalHacks?

CalHacks is a 24-hour hackathon hosted by California High School. It is a place where students can come together to learn, build, and share their creations with others. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hacker, CalHacks is the perfect place to start your hacking journey.


08:00 AM

08:30 AM

09:00 AM

09:30 AM

11:00 AM

11:45 AM

12:30 PM

01:30 PM

07:00 PM

07:15 PM

07:45 PM

08:30 PM

Check-in Starts

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speaker: TBD

Hacking Begins

Workshop (TBD)

Workshop (TBD)


Workshop (TBD)

Hacking Ends


Judging Begins

Awards Ceremony